💡What is Tendermint?

Some background on Tendermint

Tendermint Explained

Tendermint consensus is a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus algorithm used in distributed systems, particularly in blockchain networks. It is used in various blockchain projects, including Cosmos, Binance Chain, and Injective.

In Tendermint consensus, nodes in the network reach agreement on the order and content of transactions in the blockchain. The consensus algorithm ensures that all nodes agree on the current state of the blockchain, and that new transactions are added in a consistent and secure manner.

Tendermint consensus works by using a round-based voting process. Each round has a leader node that proposes a block of transactions to the network. The other nodes in the network then vote on whether to accept the proposed block. If enough nodes vote to accept the block, it is added to the blockchain.

Tendermint consensus uses a deterministic finality mechanism, which means that once a block is added to the blockchain, it is considered final and cannot be changed. This makes Tendermint consensus highly secure, as it is resistant to attacks that try to modify or manipulate the blockchain.

However, the deterministic nature of Tendermint consensus can also make it slower than other consensus algorithms, as it requires every node in the network to confirm each transaction before it can be added to the blockchain. This can lead to longer confirmation times and slower transaction throughput compared to probabilistic consensus algorithms like Avalanche consensus.Tendermint consensus is a widely-used consensus algorithm in blockchain networks that prioritizes security and determinism. However, its deterministic finality mechanism can make it slower than other consensus algorithms in certain circumstances.

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