🏄Slide SDK

Seargent Slide, sliding for duty.

Landslide is a revolutionary IBC-enabled Avalanche L1 that bridges the gap between Avalanche and the interchain ecosystem. It allows any IBC-enabled chain to run natively on the Avalanche network, focusing on CosmWasm-based dApps to run natively on the Avalanche network, opening up new possibilities for cross-chain interactions and development.

Key Features

  1. Native IBC Connectivity: Seamlessly transfer assets between Landslide and other IBC-enabled chains.

  2. Sub-Second Finality: Achieve transaction finality in under 1 second, significantly faster than traditional CometBFT-based chains.

  3. Cosmos SDK Compatibility: Easily port existing Cosmos-based dApps to Landslide with 100% SDK compatibility.

  4. Cross-Chain DeFi: Enable sophisticated DeFi operations across multiple blockchain networks.

  5. Avalanche Performance: Leverage Avalanche's high throughput and low fees for improved user experience.

Why Landslide?

Landslide creates interoperability between the Avalanche and Cosmos ecosystems, fostering a more interconnected and robust blockchain landscape. Developers can utilize Avalanche's performance while maintaining access to the rich Cosmos ecosystem. Users benefit from increased liquidity, a more comprehensive range of applications, and a streamlined experience across multiple networks.

Getting Started

To begin your journey with Landslide, explore the following sections:

  • Connecting to Landslide Wasm Testnet

  • Running Landslide Wasm Application Locally

  • Deploying Smart Contracts on Landslide

Join us in shaping the future of interoperable blockchain technology with Landslide!

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