🔄API endpoints

🔌 Landslide Network Testnet Endpoints

The following endpoints are available for connecting to the Landslide Network testnet:

RPC Endpoint


The RPC (Remote Procedure Call) endpoint allows for direct interaction with the blockchain through JSON-RPC calls. Use this for submitting transactions, querying chain state, and other blockchain interactions.

gRPC Endpoint


The gRPC endpoint provides high-performance, bi-directional streaming capabilities. Ideal for applications requiring efficient data streaming and complex service definitions.

REST API Endpoint


The REST API endpoint offers a RESTful interface for blockchain interactions. Perfect for web applications and clients that prefer standard HTTP methods.

Usage Examples

RPC Connection (JavaScript)

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider("https://cometrpc.testnet.landslide.network");


curl https://api.testnet.landslide.network/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address}

gRPC Connection (Python)

import grpc
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('grpc.testnet.landslide.network:443')

⚠️ Note

These endpoints are for the testnet environment and should not be used for production applications. Network performance and availability may vary as this is a test network.

Last updated