VM tests


TestABCIService unit test in the service_test.go file. Overall, the TestABCIService unit test is testing several methods of the virtual machine service and verifying that they behave as expected.

Here's a breakdown of what the test is doing:

  1. The TestABCIService function starts by calling the mustNewKVTestVm function to create a new instance of the virtual machine and virtual machine service, and assigns them to the vm and service variables.

  2. The test then runs several subtests using the t.Run method, each of which tests a different method of the virtual machine service.


  1. ABCIInfo, tests the ABCIInfo method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultABCIInfo variable and passes it to the ABCIInfo method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method, and that the response contains the expected values for the app version, last block height, and last block app hash.

  2. ABCIQuery, tests the ABCIQuery method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new key-value transaction using the MakeTxKV function, broadcasts the transaction using the BroadcastTxSync method of the virtual machine service, builds and accepts a new block using the virtual machine, and then queries the virtual machine service for the value of the key using the ABCIQuery method. If the query is successful, the subtest asserts that the value returned by the method is equal to the expected value.

  3. BroadcastTxCommit, tests the BroadcastTxCommit method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new key-value transaction using the MakeTxKV function, broadcasts the transaction using the BroadcastTxCommit method of the virtual machine service, and then asserts that the CheckTx and DeliverTx fields of the response contain true, indicating that the transaction was successfully checked and committed to the blockchain.

  4. BroadcastTxAsync, tests the BroadcastTxAsync method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new key-value transaction using the MakeTxKV function, broadcasts the transaction using the BroadcastTxAsync method of the virtual machine service, and then asserts that the Hash field of the response is not nil, indicating that the transaction was successfully added to the mempool.

  5. BroadcastTxSync, tests the BroadcastTxSync method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new key-value transaction using the MakeTxKV function, broadcasts the transaction using the BroadcastTxSync method of the virtual machine service, and then asserts that the Code field of the response is equal to atypes.CodeTypeOK, indicating that the transaction was successfully checked and committed to the blockchain.


The TestHistoryService unit test in the service_test.go file. Overall, the TestHistoryService unit test is testing several methods of the virtual machine service related to blockchain history and verifying that they behave as expected. Here's a breakdown of what the test is doing:

  1. The TestHistoryService function starts by calling the mustNewCounterTestVm function to create a new instance of the virtual machine and virtual machine service, and assigns them to the vm and service variables.

  2. The test then broadcasts a new transaction using the BroadcastTxSync method of the virtual machine service and verifies that the response code is atypes.CodeTypeOK.

  3. The test then builds and accepts a new block using the virtual machine.

  4. The test then runs two subtests using the t.Run method, each of which tests a different method of the virtual machine service.


  1. BlockchainInfo tests the BlockchainInfo method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultBlockchainInfo variable and passes it to the BlockchainInfo method with a start height of 1 and an end height of 100. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method and that the LastHeight field of the response is equal to 1.

  2. Genesis tests the Genesis method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultGenesis variable and passes it to the Genesis method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method and that the Genesis field of the response is equal to the expected value from the virtual machine's genesis configuration.


The TestNetworkService unit test in the service_test.go file. Overall, the TestNetworkService unit test is testing several methods of the virtual machine service related to networking and consensus and verifying that they behave as expected.

Here's a breakdown of what the test is doing:

  1. The TestNetworkService function starts by calling the mustNewCounterTestVm function to create a new instance of the virtual machine and virtual machine service, and assigns them to the vm and service variables.

  2. The test then runs five subtests using the t.Run method, each of which tests a different method of the virtual machine service related to networking and consensus.


  1. NetInfo tests the NetInfo method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultNetInfo variable and passes it to the NetInfo method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method.

  2. DumpConsensusState tests the DumpConsensusState method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultDumpConsensusState variable and passes it to the DumpConsensusState method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method.

  3. ConsensusState tests the ConsensusState method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultConsensusState variable and passes it to the ConsensusState method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method.

  4. ConsensusParams tests the ConsensusParams method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultConsensusParams variable and passes it to the ConsensusParams method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method and that the BlockHeight field of the response is equal to 0. It then broadcasts a new transaction using the BroadcastTxSync method of the virtual machine service, builds and accepts a new block using the virtual machine, and asserts that the BlockHeight field of the ConsensusParams response is equal to 1.

  5. Health tests the Health method of the virtual machine service. It creates a new ctypes.ResultHealth variable and passes it to the Health method. It then asserts that there is no error returned by the method.


Sure, I can help you document the TestSignService unit test in the service_test.go file. Here's a breakdown of what the test is doing:

  1. The TestSignService function starts by creating a new key-value transaction (tx) and creating a new instance of the virtual machine and virtual machine service, which it assigns to the vm and service variables.

  2. The test then performs several subtests using the t.Run method, each of which tests a different method of the virtual machine service related to signing and verification of transactions.The TestSignService has the following subtests:


  • Blockwhich tests the Block method of the virtual machine service with a valid block height. It creates two new ctypes.ResultBlock variables and passes them to the Block method with a Height parameter of the block height. It then asserts that both methods return a nil error and that the Height field of the response is equal to the expected block height.

  • BlockByHash which tests the BlockByHash method of the virtual machine service with a valid block hash. It creates two new ctypes.ResultBlock variables and passes them to the BlockByHash method with a Hash parameter of the block hash. It then asserts that both methods return a nil error and that the Hash field of the response is equal to the expected block hash.

  • BlockResults which tests the BlockResults method of the virtual machine service with a valid block height. It creates two new ctypes.ResultBlockResults variables and passes them to the BlockResults method with a Height parameter of the block height. It then asserts that both methods return a nil error and that the Height field of the response is equal to the expected block height.

  • Tx which tests the Tx method of the virtual machine service with a valid transaction hash. It creates a new ctypes.ResultTx variable and passes it to the Tx method with a Hash parameter of the transaction hash. It then asserts that the method returns a nil error and that the Hash and Tx fields of the response are equal to the expected transaction hash and transaction, respectively.

Overall, the TestSignService unit test is testing several methods of the virtual machine service related to signing and verification of transactions and verifying that they behave as expected.


The TestStatusService unit test in the service_test.go file. Here's a breakdown of what the test is doing:

  1. The TestStatusService function starts by creating a new instance of the virtual machine and virtual machine service, which it assigns to the vm and service variables.

  2. The test then attempts to build a new block from the virtual machine with no pending transactions. It expects this operation to fail with an errNoPendingTxs error and a nil block.

  3. Next, the test creates a new key-value transaction (tx) and uses the BroadcastTxSync method of the virtual machine service to broadcast the transaction. It asserts that the method returns no error and that the Code field of the response is equal to atypes.CodeTypeOK.

  4. The test then creates a new subtest using the t.Run method, which tests the Status method of the virtual machine service with two different blocks. It creates two new ctypes.ResultStatus variables and passes them to the Status method. The first call is made with no arguments and expects the response to contain a LatestBlockHeight field with a value of 0. The second call is made after successfully building and accepting a new block and expects the response to contain a LatestBlockHeight field with a value of 1.

Overall, the TestStatusService unit test is testing the Status method of the virtual machine service with two different blocks and verifying that the expected block height is returned in the response.


This unit test suite tests the functionalities of the MempoolService struct.


  1. UnconfirmedTxs

    • Description: Tests the functionality of retrieving unconfirmed transactions in the mempool.

    • Steps:

      1. Build a transaction and broadcast it to the mempool.

      2. Call the UnconfirmedTxs function of the MempoolService.

    • Expected Results: The function should return the single transaction that was broadcasted to the mempool.

  2. NumUnconfirmedTxs

    • Description: Tests the functionality of retrieving the number of unconfirmed transactions in the mempool.

    • Steps:

      1. Build a transaction and broadcast it to the mempool.

      2. Call the NumUnconfirmedTxs function of the MempoolService.

    • Expected Results: The function should return a count of 1, indicating the single transaction that was broadcasted to the mempool.

  3. CheckTx

    • Description: Tests the functionality of checking if a transaction is valid and can be accepted into the mempool.

    • Steps:

      1. Build a transaction and broadcast it to the mempool.

      2. Call the CheckTx function of the MempoolService with the same transaction.

      3. Build a block and accept it.

      4. Call the CheckTx function of the MempoolService with the same transaction.

    • Expected Results:

      • The first CheckTx function should return no errors, indicating the transaction is valid and can be accepted into the mempool.

      • The second CheckTx function should return an error, indicating the transaction has already been accepted into the blockchain and cannot be accepted into the mempool again.

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